Thursday, October 29, 2015

Weigh-In Thursday: Week 32

I really expected more than just a 1.4 pound loss. Ever since I hit 45 pounds lost, I felt like I couldn't really loose much more. My body and my clothes (for that matter) was trying to keep me fat. And to think I (almost) gave up this week. Here are the reasons why I really wanted to 'throw in the towel':

  1. I was tired of tracking,
  2. I felt deprived of the 'bad' foods I wanted to eat.
  3. I was sick and had trouble keeping anything down.
  4. I was sabotaging myself.
I went threw my closet this week and purged everything that was either 2+ sizes too big, or simply not fashion able. This made me think that maybe I should stop losing weight so that I could fit into the clothes that I already owned (talk about self-sabotage) even though it was starting to be a hassle because all of my cure clothes are either too big (at least now they are) or too small (wishful thinking).

If it wasn't for my amazingly supportive boyfriend I would have cancelled my membership and given up altogether. He is the best because even when I am feeling weak and like I am done with everything; he believes in me. He believes in how far I have come and he knows that I am just looking for any reason to give up. I love him so much for being my 'realistic rock' and not letting me give up because I have been hosting a pity party for myself. He believes in me, even when I don't believe in myself. 

I have decided that I needed to start over. After my meeting concluded this week I attended a "new member meeting" which I really needed. I am starting fresh with the plan hoping to overcome this everlasting weight loss plateau and to overcome even my own expectations. Here is to a new week and a re commitment to the plan. I will not let small 'missteps' determine my future success. I got this! My next mini goal is to reach 45 pounds lost (again).

Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 12/31/2015.

Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 263
Current Week: +1.4
Total Loss: 43.4

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