Saturday, January 2, 2016

Weigh-In Saturday: Week 41

What a way to bring in the new year! With a gain! Previously I would have beaten myself up about a gain, but it is a new year and I am not the woman I used to be. I enjoyed some good food, good company and even slept from 2015 to 2016! It was the first time in a long time that I actually went to bed before midnight and woke up bright and early to start the new year. I was on vacation and enjoying myself. I decided that I was not going to let the scale dictate my mood. My goal was to not gain so much that it dipped into my 50 pounds lost. I did just that! I may have gained 1.4 pounds but overall I have lost 51.4 pounds! That is the real victory. Here is to getting back on track for the new year and enjoying a healthier and more active 2016!

I know why I had a gain this week and I am not proud of it. I really want to blame it on my mom and the fact that she has candies and goodies literally everywhere. I love M&M's, I mean I LOVE them! I could pop them until they were gone and not even bat an eye. I also enjoyed my vacation and the food that I ate. While I tracked everything, I also did not let myself miss out on any food that sounded good. I enjoyed it and I know that this doesn't happen often. I did try to make better choices, but I also enjoyed a burger and fries at Jack in the Box. There are no Jack in the Boxes where I live and I was feeling nostalgic because I used to eat there as a kid. I enjoyed the food, but it was to much and it ended with me having a stomach ache. I guess I really don't eat that much greasy food in that large of proportions anymore. Oh well. Time to move on and get back on plan.

Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by March 14, 2016. They are also running a promotion to lose 10 pounds on them. If you join sign up for selected plans, lose 10 pounds in the first 2 months (which is very do-able) they will either refund you for the 2 months you paid for or apply a credit to the following two months. That is like getting 4 months for the price of two!!!

Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 255
Current Week: + 1.4
Total Loss: 51.4

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