Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weigh-In Thursday: Week 27

I found this image online and the quote was exactly what I needed this week. There were a few extenuating circumstances that happened this week which was out of my control. Everything happened today as well. It started out as a great day. Class was canceled so I got to spend some more time with my son before school.

I was feeling good because I got up at 5 am everyday this week and worked out. The energy difference is amazing and I will attribute that to a combination of working out, my CPAP machine, and eating the right foods to stay on track. In fact I was feeling amazing and super excited for my meeting tonight. I was doing everything right and I knew my weight would be down.

Then, my phone decided to go swimming in the toilet. That is also the reason that I do not have a screenshot of my weigh in for this blog post. My phone was dead, literally. I jumped online and printed out my monthly pass and headed to my meeting sans phone. That was no problem though because I had lost weight this week. I mean how could I not have. I never went over my points, I didn't use more than half of my weekly Points Plus allowance, I didn't use any of the activity points I earned this week. I worked out before school and even got off the bus at the first campus stop so I had to walk farther to get to class.

I parked and basically skipped into my Weight Watchers meeting even though I was a bit late due to phone issues. I got on the scale and waited patiently for the receptionist to tell me how much I lost. I lost NOTHING! I asked her to weight me again because that couldn't be right, could it? It was. I had lost nothing I weighed exactly the same as I had last week. The news was crushing, I did everything I could to not break down right their but inside, I was sobbing. I went into the meeting room and took a seat in the back, instead of my usual seat. I was still in shock. If I had done everything right then how did it not show on the scale?

I don't really remember the meeting much because I spent most of it going over my week in my head. After the meeting I talked to my leader because I was just so frustrated. She reassured me that this was part of the process, and that at least I had not gained either. She said that maybe all the work I did this week would show up on the scale next week. I hope that will be the case, but I really just want to give up. However I have come so far and I can't give up now. I have to get through this. Here is to a better week.

Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you sign up for Weight Watchers by 12/31/2015.

Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 263.6
Current Week: 0
Total Loss: 42.8

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