I woke up in a great mood today with not nearly as much soreness as I had endured the previous two days. I was getting stronger and I could feel it. It also helped that my mom and little sister drove in from Las Vegas to visit me. I get to play Santa now with the five garbage bags of presents that they put in the back of my car. Today's hike is one called Stop Sign. I was apprehensive about it because it is a paved hike and the pavement seems to aggravate my knee issue. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures of today's hike because I was using my phone as an mp 3 player, and was more focused on moving. Mrs. Purple got out ahead of me again like usual. That was okay because my hike is my hike and I shouldn't be comparing myself to anyone else. As long as I am giving it everything I got then I am good. One of my other hiking buddies, we'll call her Dee, walked with me. If it wasn't for her encouragement and support I never would have got as far as I did. We reached mini stop sign and continued up to Stop Sign. It was starting to get very steep, very quickly. We walked a bit past mini stop sign to a parking lot on the side of the road. There we took a break, drank some water, and ate our protein snacks. This is where we were going to stop and wait for the van to come pick us up. There was no way we could make it all the way up to Stop Sign in the little time we had left to hike. After we rested for a little bit we decided that in the time we had left we would continue walking up the hill and get as far as we could. I would not have made it as far as I did without her. Dee's support was amazing. There were so many people here at the Biggest Loser Resort and it was amazing. Everyone was pushing everyone and offering their support. After the hike I attended more lectures followed by a water aerobics class and a Zumba class. They were both fantastic, but in the end I did something to my ankle during Zumba. It hurt to walk on it. I must have rolled or twisted it hard so I iced and elevated it when I could and during the lectures that I attended. Tonight I am planning on going to bed early and putting ice on my ankle. It needs to feel better for tomorrow's hike and the Last Chance Workout.
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