Friday, August 21, 2015

One Month Does Make A Difference

After this weeks Weigh-In and camping struggles I was feeling a little deflated. I realized that it has been a month since I took progress pictures. I know, I never posted any progress pictures. That is a scary thing. Telling my exact weight to the world is much less scary as actually putting pictures of myself out there. Full body pictures that I am not exactly happy about because I am not exactly happy about the truth. Pictures cannot lie, but I think I am strong enough to post them now. I also plan on taking pictures once a month so that I can see my progress even if the scale says there isn't any progress.

I took the first pictures on Week 16 of this journey after reaching my 10% goal and dropping 30 pounds. I realized when I took them, or rather, my boyfriend took them, so I am blaming him for the blinking. HA! I did not take pictures when I started Weight watchers. There was nothing to compare them to. Dang! I think I did not take starting pictures because part of me was not expecting to lose weight like I have. I also never took measurements, however I plan on taking them in the next few days and updating them bimonthly or monthly.

I was actually surprised when I put the two pictures together. I was not expecting to see much of a difference because there was really only an 8 pound difference between the two pictures. This really gets to me when I think about the progress that would have been evident if only I had taken pictures at the beginning of my journey. I am excited to see my progress in pictures since I am still having a hard time seeing my progress in the mirror. I can feel a difference, and I notice the smaller sized clothing is starting to fit better. The mirror just was not reflecting my loss in the same way as those around me can see it. Just more motivation right! I got this!

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