This morning started way to early! Even with my college classes I never was up at 5:30 AM on purpose!!! I was up this early thanks to a wake up call and the hotel room phone being across the room. I may have to remember that one, I guess after you are out of your warm bed there is no use in getting back in it. I threw on my workout clothes, drank my water, and headed to my 6 AM stretch class. Stretch class was a heck of alot harder than it sounded. I was struggling and sweating and I felt like I was the only one who couldn't do everything that was being asked of me without some sort of modification. It was mortifying and I felt like everyone else was staring at me. Ugh! Why am I so hard and judgmental of my own capabilities or down falls.
The Gorgeous Red Rocks |
After stretch was breakfast at 7 AM and then my first hike at 8 AM. I was so worried for the hike and it was hard. Especially because it was an assessment hike so we were just thrown into vans and taken on hikes at random. I brought up the tail end. My group went on a hike called Turtle Wall it was completely gorgeous, but it was very heart-wrenching. I was the last one, the slow one, the incapable one. There was one point that I wished I fell and broke my arm so I could go home because it was "that" hard and I felt like I could not do it. I felt so deflated and defeated. There were people older than me on the same hike and I could not even see them anymore. It was during this hike that I stared questioning me even being there. Why did I come? I can't do this. It was dumb of me to think I could do this.
The trail guide that helped motivate me. |
Then I had an epiphany! I WAS doing this! I CAN do this! Even though I was totally slower than everyone else I was completing it. I was not giving up. I was talking to one of the guides and he assured me that I was doing a good job. The hick they put me on was a little advanced, but I was doing it. I would only stop and rest when I felt that I needed it and the guide pointed out a few cool rock formations and wildlife that I would have completely missed because I was looking at my feet and having a pity party. I even though about writing a blog post just for the hike and titling it "Pity Party, Table for One". How lame am I? I needed to get over myself. I was blessed to win this contest and here I was wishing it away. Perhaps this was really a blessing in disguise. Maybe I won this opportunity because I had something that I needed to learn from this amazing experience to become a better me.
The Overlook |
It was when I started focusing on myself, my journey, and my accomplishments that I realized I had made it. In one hour of trudging along across the frozen red clay and rock formations, I had reached to overlook and its breathtaking beauty was amazing. I felt a sense of pride that I had not given up or broken my arm. Here I was, hiking, and I was doing it well. Once we reached the overlook it was time to turn around and I was suddenly filled with dread. You mean I have to walk all the way back to the van? That one more hour I would spend relentlessly hiking back to my destination. Again I was filled with all those emotions and feelings of worthlessness. I could never make it back there alive. I know what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but I really thought it would kill me and at this point I had more workout classes to attend after lunch. I could still break my arm couldn't I? Snap out of it Krystyn! You made it this far, you can make it back to the van, and I did! On the ride back to the ranch I was thinking about the hike and realized that I did do it! I accomplished something real a two hour hike and was still alive. I felt invigorated and ready to take on whatever the rest of the day had for me, and I could accomplish it. Must be all the endorphins in my system.
After the hike I attended an introductory lecture that was very informative followed by lunch. After lunch I attended a 45 minute Medicine Ball Core workout and the hike seemed like nothing compared to this class. My core was on fire. I tried to complete everything requested of me, but like stretch class this morning I had to do some modifications based on my current fitness level and my mood of not wanting to push myself to hard on the first day. I couldn't risk getting injured now even though I felt like I was going to die, figuratively. Luckily for me 45 minutes goes by much faster when you are thinking about other things, and I only had to make it through this class until recharge (snack time). During recharge I had an awesome protein shake that made me feel awesome. That stuff was like magic. Then it was off to 45 minutes of circuit training.
Circuit training. Just the name alone sounded completely menacing. However, once I started the class it was much easier then I had anticipated. Two minutes of cardio, followed by two minutes on a strength machine. Repeat, only on different cardio machines and strength machines each time. I actually enjoyed it and this made me focus and I felt like I was able to push myself harder. The trainer kept saying, "What can you do in two minutes to change your life?" This really stuck with me. What could I do to change my life and my body? Circuit training was my last workout class of the day, I had to push harder. I could push myself harder! I gave it all I could and in the end I felt like keeling over right there, but I didn't! Nothing could stop me now. At least until I woke up and did everything all over again.
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