Red Hills Covered in Snow |
I learned something useful today. Wake up calls do not roll over for the length of your stay. I did not even think of calling to set up another one and apparently I turned off my cell phone alarm in my sleep. Luckily I woke up at 7:15 AM and was able to make it to the dinning hall for breakfast before embarking on a hike called Red Hills. Although I had just woken up, I was excited for this hike because they placed everyone in groups with like abilities. These people would be my hike group for the next five days, and I was looking forward to being in a group that I could keep up with at least most of the time. Amid all my excitement there was also fear. The hike and workouts yesterday left me sore in muscles I did not know I had, especially in my right hip flexor. Since I slept in this morning, I missed out on the 6 AM stretch class and I was apprehensive about the hike due to the unknown terrain that lies ahead.
I really wished I wouldn't have missed stretch class, oh well, not much I could do about it at that point. I stretched out my hip flexor and just decided to take the hike slow until my muscles felt warmed up. We loaded up in the van and headed off to our destination the Red Hills.
Looking over St. George |
The terrain looked less menacing than Monday's hike and I took it slow again. I was with a group of people that apparently had similar abilities to my own I was still bringing up the rear; at least at first. Once the terrain was less slopping sand and more red rock stepping I was able to catch up with one lady in my group. I'll call her Mrs. Purple, since that is the only color she was predominately wearing. Well Mrs. Purple and I got to talking while we were navigating the terrain with the help of one of the trail guides. She is a neat lady, let me tell ya. So optimistic and loud, and she had this infectious laughter. We clicked right away and I knew we would be fast friends even though she was staying at the BLR for an entire month past my one week departure. The hike and the support was amazing. Today was starting to look up. The hike was amazingly invigorating and the views over St. George was breathtaking.
The view of St. George |
After the hike we had the option to attend a Life Coaching Class, circuit training, or a stretch class. I chose to attend the Life Coach Class partly because I was sore and knew I had First Chance Workout and a water aerobics class later. The other reason I chose the class is because I knew this was not something I could do once I returned to my real life. I could workout when I was at home, but I could not get the life coaching information I really needed to make the changes in my life and make everything I learn here this week stick. If I was really going to change my lifestyle I needed to work on the emotional side. This was the side of weight loss that I had never tried to deal with. This is what caused me to fail to reach my goals. I was sabotaging myself, my life, and my efforts. I could no longer use excuses, I could not blame my circumstances on anyone but myself. It was only me standing in my own way of success. What was I so afraid of?
After lunch the rest of the day was kind of uneventful. I mean, first chance workout turned out to be much less intimidating than I had anticipated. I think I just expected to be pushed with a much higher intensity for a much longer period of time. Don't get me wrong; it was in no means easy. Once I was doing it, that was just it. I WAS DOING IT! That and the water class I had to look forward to attending after Recharge. The night ended with me soaking my feet with Epsom salts and going to bed early. After I set my wake up call for Wednesday morning.
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