Basically the jist was that people struggle to lose weight and be successful because your mind is not completely on board with what you are doing. That it takes awhile for your mind to really accept the changes that you are making and back you up. It was enlightening and although the changes that I have been making are not resulting in weight loss. The results are on a mental level, a therapeutic type where I have made peace with the choices that I have been making. Getting to a point where I can "cheat" and it will no longer completely de-rail me from going forward with my efforts.
The results are on the inside. Like if I was an old house being remodeled and you found knob and tube wiring. You would spend quite a chunk of change to rewiring the house only for no one else to see it. However you would know that the money was well spent. That's how I feel right now. I just upgraded my "electrical" and now that it is in order I can move on to the stuff that people will see. Who knows maybe this will lead me to find something else unexpected behind the walls that needs fixing. It will be fixed then I can move on. This time I got this. This process is about learning and growing and doing it in all the right ways. If I fall, I can pick myself up and continue where I left off.
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