Thursday, July 30, 2015

Weigh-In Thursday: Week 19

I had a bit of a gain this week, but I am rather excited about it. I know, how can I be excited about a gain? Because I had such a huge loss last week and I was worried that it was all water weight or something, and that I would gain it all back at this weeks weigh in. I would call that a victory. Especially since I had a kind of rough week.

I was craving everything that I haven't been eating lately. Hardcore. Chips, crackers, chocolate, ice cream, cake, candy. My mouth is watering as I type this post. On Weight Watchers I know I can eat whatever I want in moderation. However I feel like I try to avoid certain things because I know how I am about certain foods. I really miss Oreos. Really. However I know that I cannot even bring them into the house or I will eat them. All of them. There is just something about Oreos that I cannot say no to. They are my willpower kryptonite. I try to avoid that aisle in the grocery store altogether. I saw a commercial for Oreo thins this week and it kind of piqued my interest. We will see how things go in the coming weeks.

Here is to keeping up on plan and being successful in the long run and not worry so much about the ups and downs that can happen week to week. As long as there is a consistent downward trend, that is a measurement of success. Also next week I will take my pictures and measurements. I took pictures Week 16 however I did not post them because I failed to take pictures when I started Weight Watchers. I should have so I would have something to be compared to, but it is better late than never. The pictures will be posted to my blog next week after Weigh-In day. Here is to a great week.

Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 9/5/2015.

Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 271.6
Current Week: +0.2

Total Loss: 34.8

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