Thursday, January 7, 2016

Weigh-In Thursday: Week 42

Wow this week flew by! I guess that is what happens since last week I weighed in on Saturday and this week I resumed my normal meeting schedule. 

It has only been 5 days since my last weigh in and I was not expecting a loss at all. I ate like all of the chocolate in my house. I don't know why, I mean I was able to abstain from the kids' chocolate stash this whole time, but since I came back from my moms I have been a chocolate hound.

At least I have been tracking everything that I have been eating. Even when I go over my points. It doesn't matter, I still track it. I have no idea why I lost. I really expected to have a gain because of all of the chocolate that I have been eating. And when I say all of the chocolate I mean ALL OF IT! It has become a willpower kryptonite for me. Oh well, all I can do is just keep trucking. I got this! Here is to a better week on plan and my last semester of college starting on Monday. 

This weeks meeting was all about Smart Points. Since the new year is beginning it is also the 'official' launch of Smart Points. You know, because of New Year's Resolutions and everything I am sure. I really hope that those who do join weight watchers for new years stick with it. It really works! I was also told by some of the members at the meetings that I go to that I should put my recipes online and share them. This is because I have a major sweet tooth and always find ways to add desserts to my plan. I hope to be able to add a recipe of the week, featuring one of my favorite Smart Points plan friendly foods.

Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Lose Weight With Me! This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by March 14, 2016. They are also running a promotion to lose 10 pounds on them. If you join and sign up for selected plans, lose 10 pounds in the first 2 months (which is very do-able) they will either refund you for the 2 months you paid for or apply a credit to the following two months. That is like getting 4 months for the price of two!!!

Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 252.8
Current Week: -2.2
Total Loss: 53.6

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