I had a bit of a gain this week, but I am rather excited about it. I know, how can I be excited about a gain? Because I had such a huge loss last week and I was worried that it was all water weight or something, and that I would gain it all back at this weeks weigh in. I would call that a victory. Especially since I had a kind of rough week.
I was craving everything that I haven't been eating lately. Hardcore. Chips, crackers, chocolate, ice cream, cake, candy. My mouth is watering as I type this post. On Weight Watchers I know I can eat whatever I want in moderation. However I feel like I try to avoid certain things because I know how I am about certain foods. I really miss Oreos. Really. However I know that I cannot even bring them into the house or I will eat them. All of them. There is just something about Oreos that I cannot say no to. They are my willpower kryptonite. I try to avoid that aisle in the grocery store altogether. I saw a commercial for Oreo thins this week and it kind of piqued my interest. We will see how things go in the coming weeks.
Here is to keeping up on plan and being successful in the long run and not worry so much about the ups and downs that can happen week to week. As long as there is a consistent downward trend, that is a measurement of success. Also next week I will take my pictures and measurements. I took pictures Week 16 however I did not post them because I failed to take pictures when I started Weight Watchers. I should have so I would have something to be compared to, but it is better late than never. The pictures will be posted to my blog next week after Weigh-In day. Here is to a great week.
Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 9/5/2015.
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 271.6
Current Week: +0.2
Total Loss: 34.8
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Zero Points Plus Snack
I have been super hungry lately after eating dinner and I have been looking for snacks with low points values that are sweet and satisfying. Something that I can eat a good amount and not feel deprived. I know, I know, I am asking way too much of a snack. However I realize that as I loose more and more weight my daily Points Plus allotment will also dwindle. I started at 45 Points Plus daily and my current allotment is a measly 40 Points Plus. HA! 40 points is still alot of food and sometimes I have a hard time reaching my daily Points Plus target.
My current go to snacks are light babybel cheese, fruits, vegetables, Skinny Pop, and Yoplait Light yogurt. I also like to cut up fruits and berries and stir in Yoplait Light. It is yummy, but sometimes I just do not have the 2 Points Plus available at the end of the night. While shopping today I came across this Fat Free Cool Whip in the frozen section. A lightbulb went off and I pulled out my phone so I could use my Weight Watchers Etools. I scanned the barcode and it came back with 0 points for a 2 tablespoon serving! 0 Points Plus!!! This could work! I put it in my cart and finished my shopping. After arriving home the groceries were put away, dinner was made, and the kitchen tided up.
A couple hours later I could feel myself getting snacky. There's that word again. I walked into my kitchen and pulled out the berries and fruits I had in the house. Three Strawberries, a handful of blueberries, six large green grapes, one banana, and a handful of raspberries. I chopped up everything except the blueberries and raspberries. Put everything in a bowl and stirred it up. I grabbed the Fat Free Cool Whip and my measuring spoon and added 2 tablespoons to the fruit. Stirred everything altogether and put it in these cute little glasses. That was it looks like I am getting more than it would if i just served it from a bowl. This made enough to fill 2 of these glasses. My boyfriend inhaled his and I did as well after taking this picture. I am now realizing that the picture does not look even close to as good as it tasted. It was amazing! I will definitely make this more often in the future (maybe even everyday!) and best of all it is ZERO Points Plus!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2015
Weigh-In Thursday: Week 18

This is what I think contributed to this major loss (sorry for TMI).
- All the crap I ate in Vegas caused me to be backed up. As in since I had a lack of my normal intake of fruit and vegetables and more diet soda caused my bowels to get off-track. Last weeks weigh-in there was no bowel movement in 2 days.
- The overabundance of fruit and veggies I ate last week in order to compensate from last weeks lack thereof. This totally flushed me out.
- Tracking! Vigilant tracking and making sure I stuck to plan 100% of the time no matter how hungry I was after eating all of my daily points.
- Making sure I ate all of my allotted points for the day before bedtime
I am planning on sticking to numbers three and four again this week in an effort to keep on losing. However, if I do experience a gain I am not going to let it pull me into a shame spiral and throw me off plan. I have the tools to manage this. I got it! Here is to another great week! Oh, I have also lost 140 Quarter pound cheeseburgers. That is crazy! I wonder what it will be when I hit the 40 pound mark? We shall see in time!
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 271.4
Current Week: -7.6
Total Loss: 35!!!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Weigh-In Thursday: Week 17
I feel so defeated this week. I thought I did pretty good considering the events of the week. I left for Las Vegas on Saturday night and came home yesterday in time for my meeting. I went to Las Vegas to help my mom out. She was scheduled to have back surgery on Friday, but that got postponed due to some test results. This didn't put a damper on my trip however, because I figured I would get to spend some time with my mom before she has surgery and to help her around the house.
On Sunday we went shopping for food and my mom even bought things that would help me stay on plan. I even made dinner on Sunday evening and got funny looks when I portioned out every one's meal on their plates and served it. Not to mention when I poured the lite Caesar dressing into a tablespoon measuring spoon. Oh well, that is how I roll. HA! I would normally weigh it out, but there was no scale. That is something that I need to add to my packing list for traveling. I missed my food scale.
On Monday and Tuesday started out with me making a healthy vegetable omelet, toast, and fruit. The rest of those days were spent in the car driving from doctor's office to doctor's office. Which were conveniently located across town from each other. My mom and I did sushi for lunch on Monday and Subway for lunch on Tuesday. Trying to make good choices worked pretty well, however I drank so much diet soda. I normally only drink diet soda on the weekends, if that. Also since we were busy driving back and forth we ended up getting fast food for dinner. All the running around paid off and my Mom's surgery was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday started with another healthy breakfast. Then Mom's surgery, which was successful, occurred. Hospital cafeteria food is not necessarily healthy and that is not something I expected from a hospital. Dinner consisted of Wendy's on the way back to my moms house. Thursday was hospital cafeteria breakfast, and Wendy's for lunch. I chose Wendy's because I was at the airport waiting to fly home and it was something I could track.
I landed at 4:00 P.M. Drove from the airport to the kennel to pick up my dog, and then drove home to drop off my dog and my boyfriend. I had enough time to pull my suitcase out of the car and change into clean clothes before heading straight to my meeting. My goal for the week was to maintain and I was looking forward to weighing in and seeing my progress. I was deflated when I found out that I had gained. Ugg! I was so disappointed in myself because I thought I did pretty good. However. I was in Vegas to help my mom and all the fast food really did a number on my body. I never want to eat like that again. At least I am home now and can get back on track. This gain will not derail me. I can do this!
Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 9/5/2015.
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 279,0
Current Week: +3.4
Total Loss: 27.4
On Sunday we went shopping for food and my mom even bought things that would help me stay on plan. I even made dinner on Sunday evening and got funny looks when I portioned out every one's meal on their plates and served it. Not to mention when I poured the lite Caesar dressing into a tablespoon measuring spoon. Oh well, that is how I roll. HA! I would normally weigh it out, but there was no scale. That is something that I need to add to my packing list for traveling. I missed my food scale.
On Monday and Tuesday started out with me making a healthy vegetable omelet, toast, and fruit. The rest of those days were spent in the car driving from doctor's office to doctor's office. Which were conveniently located across town from each other. My mom and I did sushi for lunch on Monday and Subway for lunch on Tuesday. Trying to make good choices worked pretty well, however I drank so much diet soda. I normally only drink diet soda on the weekends, if that. Also since we were busy driving back and forth we ended up getting fast food for dinner. All the running around paid off and my Mom's surgery was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday started with another healthy breakfast. Then Mom's surgery, which was successful, occurred. Hospital cafeteria food is not necessarily healthy and that is not something I expected from a hospital. Dinner consisted of Wendy's on the way back to my moms house. Thursday was hospital cafeteria breakfast, and Wendy's for lunch. I chose Wendy's because I was at the airport waiting to fly home and it was something I could track.
I landed at 4:00 P.M. Drove from the airport to the kennel to pick up my dog, and then drove home to drop off my dog and my boyfriend. I had enough time to pull my suitcase out of the car and change into clean clothes before heading straight to my meeting. My goal for the week was to maintain and I was looking forward to weighing in and seeing my progress. I was deflated when I found out that I had gained. Ugg! I was so disappointed in myself because I thought I did pretty good. However. I was in Vegas to help my mom and all the fast food really did a number on my body. I never want to eat like that again. At least I am home now and can get back on track. This gain will not derail me. I can do this!
Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 9/5/2015.
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 279,0
Current Week: +3.4
Total Loss: 27.4
Friday, July 10, 2015
Weigh-In Thursday: Week 16

I did it! After last week's gain I buckled down and focused on my next goal of 30 pounds lost, and the scale rewarded me! I have officially lost 30 pounds in 16 weeks on Weight Watchers! I am doing a major happy dance right now!
I am also excited because I was in Las Vegas the week after I hit the 20 pound lost mark and guess where I happen to be going on Saturday?!?!?! You guessed it! Las Vegas! Only this time I will be 10 more pounds lighter than when I went down for my mother's wedding on Memorial Day weekend. I am even planning on taking my new smaller clothes with me and that includes shorts! I did not buy any until I could buy them in a smaller size and I sure need some even though I have been wearing dresses like every single day. The comfort level of sundresses is unparalleled! Why would I want to wear shorts?
I found this new website called I Lost What? It is a weight loss calculator that you can put in the amount of weight you have lost and it shows you what an equivalent amount would be in something else. I have lost 30 pounds that that is the same as the amount of cheese an average person eats in a year! That is a lot of cheese and I cut it! HA! Have a great week!
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 275.6
Current Week: -3.6
Total Loss: 30.8
Friday, July 3, 2015
Weigh-In Thursday: Week 15
This week was kind of tough. My son is still with his father for the month and it is hard to not revert back to emotionally eating. It is especially true late at night after my boyfriend has gone to bed. This is because it leaves me alone with my feelings and then I get bored of watching television and i get really snacky. Which I am pretty sure that I just made up that word, but I like it and I am sticking with it. I have found that I tend to be snacky at night, but I try to leave myself a few points for after dinner so I can shack with a purpose! HA! This week, however I found myself going over points and then not tracking. This is not something that I can be doing. If I go over points then I go over in points but there is no reason for me not to be accountable for what I put in my mouth. I am only cheating myself here.
I finally took my brother's girlfriend and myself to get much needed pedicures. This was my reward for reaching 25 pound lost which I achieved in Week 13. Although the appointment was at the same time as my meeting so I decided I could skip the meeting and just go weigh in and head to the nail salon. Although I got the on the scale and saw that gain and wanted to cry. Part of me felt like I needed to be at the meeting because I had a gain. Yet part of me said, look how far you have come you deserve this pedicure. I was right! I cannot let one little mishap derail my whole plan. I need to, no I deserve to, reward myself for how far I have come!
Looking back on my tracker it seems that the week before I am hoping to reach a new mini-goal I see a gain. Then the next week I hit my goal so I an determined to repeat this pattern and work even harder to achieve my 30 pound lost goal! This is also my 10% goal from my starting weight before I signed up for the monthly pass online.
Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 9/5/2015.
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 279.2
Current Week: +1
Total Loss: 27.2
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My 25 lbs lost reward! |
Looking back on my tracker it seems that the week before I am hoping to reach a new mini-goal I see a gain. Then the next week I hit my goal so I an determined to repeat this pattern and work even harder to achieve my 30 pound lost goal! This is also my 10% goal from my starting weight before I signed up for the monthly pass online.
Have you been thinking of joining Weight Watchers and losing with me? Now is the perfect time to Join Weight Watchers with Me. This link will give you a free gift of the Weight Watchers Magazine if you subscribe by 9/5/2015.
Lets not forget:
Starting Weight: 306.4
Current Weight: 279.2
Current Week: +1
Total Loss: 27.2
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