This week's recipe is something that I have in my wheelhouse and will have for breakfast almost everyday when I have the time. I love vegetables and eggs. I could eat it everyday and be happy. This is due to the amount of options that there are out there to change things up because you can use any vegetables that you have access too. Except, eggplant. For me eggplant and eggs just do not work. However, just because they don't work for me doesn't mean that you couldn't try it. Maybe it will work for you.
This weeks recipe was inspired by leftover roasted vegetables which consisted of: yams, zucchini, and yellow squash. The vegetables used are calculated at 2 SmartPoints™. Maybe I will add my roasted veggie recipe to one of the upcoming recipe of the week posts. I took the leftover roasted veggies from the fridge and added them to a warm skillet that had been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. I had PAM so that is what I used. The first picture is of the roasted veggies in the pan after I added 2 ounces of Hormel diced ham which is 1 Smart Point™. Looks good enough to eat doesn't it? HA!

So far we are at 3 SmartPoints™. However, if I don't have leftover veggies I will use whatever vegetable I have on hand. Which usually consists of peppers, onions, mushrooms, and spinach. I have found that zucchini and broccoli are also great additions when I have them. I used to not like green peppers at all but they are growing on me. I still do not like peppers raw, no matter what color they are, but am starting to like green peppers and even jalapenos when they are cooked.

When using zero Smart Point™ veggies sauteed in 1 tsp Olive oil your SmartPoints™ total would be 1. If you want to use cooking spray to skip the point in the oil go ahead, but I do not recommend it. The small amount of oil allows the veggies to cook properly and having some oil in your diet is good for you. Anyways I usually have Eggbeaters, and would add 1/2 Cup (1 SmartPoint™) to my sauteed veggies and meat. However feel free to use whole eggs (2 SmartPoints™ per egg) or egg whites (up to 3 egg whites is only 1 SmartPoint™) or any combination that you choose, just adjust the points accordingly. Once the eggs are scrambled with the veggies and meat of your choice, (adjust points if necessary depending on type and brand used) I sprinkle 1/4 Cup of Fat Free Cheese (0 SmartPoints™) and wait until it starts to soften and melt. Place the goodness on a plate add some hot sauce and your good to go!
This is how my breakfast ended up. Can you believe that is only 1/2 TBSP of Strawberry Jam? Here is the breakdown of the picture shown, I measure everything on my scale for accuracy and portion control. Total of 8 SmartPoints™ for everything. Subtract 1 SmartPoint™ of you are sauteing zero SmartPoint™ veggies in 1 TSP of oil.
- Serving of leftover roasted veggies warmed using cooking spray = 2 SmartPoints™
- Two ounces Hormel Cure 81 Diced Ham = 1 SmartPoint™
- 1/2 Cup Eggbeaters = 1 SmartPoint™
- 1/4 Cup Kraft Fat Free Shredded Cheddar = 0 Smart Points™
- Bubba Light English Muffin = 2 SmartPoints™
- 1/2 TBSP Smart Balance Light Buttery Spread with Flax Oil = 1 SmartPoint™
- 1/2 TBSP of Strawberry Jam = 1 SmartPoint™