Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday After Christmas Weigh In
I am so incredibly proud of myself. I went grocery shopping when I got to my Dad's house (since I am staying there through the holidays) and got some things to help me achieve my food goals. I did not make it to the gym this week, but my Dad have some gym equipment I used and I took my dog for walks. I think I did well this past week, even though Christmas got the best of me. But I am not hung up on my missteps now as I would have been before. I would have gave up and decided that this was too hard. Christmas is only one day and if I wanted a piece of chocolate then I was going to indulge. The next day I got back on the horse and started over. I weighed myself today in the middle of the day after breakfast no less and the scale still showed a loss. I weighed in at 287.3 which is a 1.9 pound loss since last Sunday at Fitness Ridge. Nutrition really does have a huge impact on weight loss. I am still focusing on my food choices. Limiting the table sugar, and white flour and not eating simple carbohydrates or fruit after lunch time. It has been a struggle because my Dad's wife makes incredible food and I really have to watch my portion sizes. I just add extra vegetables at dinner if i need to or am feeling especially hungry. I have not consumed anything besides water, herbal tea, almond milk and eggnog (it is Christmas after all) to drink since I have been back. I have noticed my energy level skyrocket and I have been going to bed at a decent time and waking up earlier. I have been feeling amazing. I plan to take this week to keep focusing on my food since Spring Semester starts on January 13 and I need to be ready for that. Next week I will be adding in gym time while my son is at school and I plan to got 3-5 days a week. If I miss a day I will not beat myself up about it. I will just restart the next day. Life happens but I still got this!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Weigh in Sunday at Fitness Ridge
I'm so excited! I just can't hide it! I weighed in at 289.2!! I lost some this week and I am so proud of myself. I lost a total of 4 inches and 3.3 pounds. I know, I know, its not that big of a loss. A loss is still a loss nonetheless. I lost in inches, body fat percentage, and weight. I gained myself, that's the biggest gain of all. I am packing up my stuff and getting ready for the 4.5 hour drive back to the Salt Lake Valley. I am sad to leave, but remain determined and optimistic of the future. I am not the person I was when I arrived. I found myself. I found the person I was meant to be and I will change my life. I got this! Bring it on Christmas, I dare you!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
My Last Full Day at the Biggest Loser Resort Fitness Ridge

This morning I woke up feeling bittersweet. It was my last full day here at Fitness Ridge. I was sad to leave while being excited to go spend Christmas with my son. Part of me wanted to stay because it would be easier to meet my fitness goals here then it would be at home, or so I thought. I met Sarah, a former contestant on the Biggest Loser at Fitness Ridge and she is just an amazing human being. She said something about motivation that really struck me as something I never thought of before. I don't remember exactly how she said it, but it was along the lines of motivation being great, but temporary. Determination is staying motivated even when times get hard. I would be leaving Fitness Ridge with a determination to change my life for the better. Since this time I was determined I could not fail. I would take it one small step at a time. Focusing first on making the healthy food choices that I have learned and become accustomed to eating here. Each small step would be a win for me and I will celebrate every single win. Each step I take, no matter how small, is still a step toward my goal.
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I felt awesome! I was doing this! |
After the hike there were no lectures to attend. Just the Last Chance Workout. It was a hard one, but none of the workouts this week had been as bad as I had expected. I really thought that I would be pushed until I threw up and then pushed some more. They were nowhere near that hard, but they were still hard. Although I felt myself getting stronger and I was looking forward to tomorrow mornings weight in. I knew I had made progress even if it did not show up on the scale. I had found myself again and I was feeling very optimistic about my new lifestyle. After Last Chance Workout and lunch was graduation. That was nice. There was a DVD made that was shown of different classes and such throughout the week as well as pictures that the trail guides had taken of us on the hikes. It made me sad knowing that I was going home. I would miss Mrs. Purple the most. She is an amazing person and I look forward to staying in touch with her. After graduation was dinner and it was amazing, like all the other food I had been served this week. I learned that I loved red peppers. Yes I did just say I loved red peppers. I spent the rest of the night talking with Mrs. Purple and some other people and it was nice to just relax and talk to people that had been though everything I had been through. Mrs. Purple thank you for everything, you are amazing!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Friday at BLR Fitness Ridge
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Conquering My Fears at Pioneer Names
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Pioneer Names |
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You can't really see the names but they are there. |
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Halfway up there! The end of the line for me! This time! |
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Sliding down the rock on my behind. |
Over the Hump Day Hikes, Thursday at BLR Fitness Ridge
I was glad to have the support of my hiking group. My new found friend Mrs. Purple really helped me get through this hike. There was an area that was quite high up and I am very much afraid of heights. Almost as much as I am afraid of spiders. Although my son is also afraid of spiders and I have been known to be brave enough to kill spiders for him. Now if he is wearing shoes he will sometimes take care of the spiders himself, sometimes. Anyways, back to the subject. I was feeling especially low, sore, and tired on this hike and Mrs. Purple's bright and shiny attitude really helped lift my spirits. We completed this hike together, with our group and the felling of support was overwhelming. These people that have only known me for a short time, really care about me, and want me to succeed. They pushed me when I had no push left in me. It was amazing! Mrs. Purple, you know who you are, thank you for your love and support. I wouldn't have been able to get though this hike today without you.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Hump Day at Fitness Ridge
My wake up call this morning worked! I begrudgingly made it to the 6 AM Stretch Class. Boy was I sore this morning! I felt like I had been run over by a convoy of semi-trucks and desperately needed coffee. Have I mentioned yet that the resort is caffeine free? Probably not, I cursed the world and wished for nothing more than food and a hot cup of Joe to get me through my day. I settled for a hot cup of Chai Spiced tea that was hardly the substitute I wanted, but it worked nonetheless.
I was so looking forward to the lectures that were on the schedule today. It was going to be a day of self-awareness. The lectures also looked appealing today because of how sore I was. Every step I took, I was crying on the inside. If I thought I wanted to give up on Monday, I was wrong. Stretch class helped loosen some of my screaming muscles, but I still wanted to crawl back into my bed and sleep it off. Today would really kill me. Kickboxing this afternoon was not sounding fun at all. Breakfast was amazing as usual. The food here is seriously delicious. It is amazing how full you can feel when you are eating all the right things. Food will be part of my focus when I get home, even if I do not continue working out right away. I have to get my food right. The rest will follow. Today's hike is Three Ponds in Snow Canyon. The description this morning said lots of sand and some residual snow. Great. When I arrived at the van Mrs. Purple was there waiting for me. Looks like we get our own personal trail guides since it was just the two of us. |
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Snow Canyon |
Here I was trudging away though the sand, bringing up the rear. Again. This is something I was becoming okay with. I may not be moving as fast as the trail guides, or even Mrs. Purple, but I was moving nonetheless. Movement is what counts. No matter how slow I go, I am still lapping everyone on the couch. As I was maneuvering through the sandy terrain I noticed that Mrs. Purple had stopped. I assumed it was to take some pictures, wait for me, or a snack time. She had actually stopped because we had reached Three Ponds, already. The more hiking I have been doing the easier it is becoming. I guess practice does make perfect. At risk of sounding like a broken record; it was beautiful. I stood there looking at it in awe.
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Three Ponds |
After the hike I was feeling good. Sore, but good. Must be all the endorphins from exercising that I have been hearing so much about. Today all the lectures were based on emotional health and emotional eating. Something I definitely need help with. I have come to terms recently that I am a very emotional eater. I need these set of lectures more than I need working out because they are addressing the root of my weight problem. I could always work out at home. If I don't fix my emotional issues then I can never truly get a grasp on my true reasons for weight loss. I am so glad I did attend those lectures today. I learned so much. Some of it was information that I already knew, but some of it was new ideas that were presented brilliantly. I took my anger, at myself, out on kickboxing class. Man, did that feel good. I decided that I would stop making excuses for everything in my life and start holding myself accountable. I can control myself and I needed to make changes in my life for my own sake. I was worth it. With every punch and kick I let another excuse go. Excuse, after excuse, after excuse. I need to get me back. The best me I can be. It all starts here. I go to bed tonight sore, exhausted, and determined. I got this!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tuesday at BLR Fitness Ridge
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Red Hills Covered in Snow |
I really wished I wouldn't have missed stretch class, oh well, not much I could do about it at that point. I stretched out my hip flexor and just decided to take the hike slow until my muscles felt warmed up. We loaded up in the van and headed off to our destination the Red Hills.
The terrain looked less menacing than Monday's hike and I took it slow again. I was with a group of people that apparently had similar abilities to my own I was still bringing up the rear; at least at first. Once the terrain was less slopping sand and more red rock stepping I was able to catch up with one lady in my group. I'll call her Mrs. Purple, since that is the only color she was predominately wearing. Well Mrs. Purple and I got to talking while we were navigating the terrain with the help of one of the trail guides. She is a neat lady, let me tell ya. So optimistic and loud, and she had this infectious laughter. We clicked right away and I knew we would be fast friends even though she was staying at the BLR for an entire month past my one week departure. The hike and the support was amazing. Today was starting to look up. The hike was amazingly invigorating and the views over St. George was breathtaking.
After the hike we had the option to attend a Life Coaching Class, circuit training, or a stretch class. I chose to attend the Life Coach Class partly because I was sore and knew I had First Chance Workout and a water aerobics class later. The other reason I chose the class is because I knew this was not something I could do once I returned to my real life. I could workout when I was at home, but I could not get the life coaching information I really needed to make the changes in my life and make everything I learn here this week stick. If I was really going to change my lifestyle I needed to work on the emotional side. This was the side of weight loss that I had never tried to deal with. This is what caused me to fail to reach my goals. I was sabotaging myself, my life, and my efforts. I could no longer use excuses, I could not blame my circumstances on anyone but myself. It was only me standing in my own way of success. What was I so afraid of?
After lunch the rest of the day was kind of uneventful. I mean, first chance workout turned out to be much less intimidating than I had anticipated. I think I just expected to be pushed with a much higher intensity for a much longer period of time. Don't get me wrong; it was in no means easy. Once I was doing it, that was just it. I WAS DOING IT! That and the water class I had to look forward to attending after Recharge. The night ended with me soaking my feet with Epsom salts and going to bed early. After I set my wake up call for Wednesday morning.
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Looking over St. George |
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The view of St. George |
After lunch the rest of the day was kind of uneventful. I mean, first chance workout turned out to be much less intimidating than I had anticipated. I think I just expected to be pushed with a much higher intensity for a much longer period of time. Don't get me wrong; it was in no means easy. Once I was doing it, that was just it. I WAS DOING IT! That and the water class I had to look forward to attending after Recharge. The night ended with me soaking my feet with Epsom salts and going to bed early. After I set my wake up call for Wednesday morning.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Monday at BLR Fitness Ridge
This morning started way to early! Even with my college classes I never was up at 5:30 AM on purpose!!! I was up this early thanks to a wake up call and the hotel room phone being across the room. I may have to remember that one, I guess after you are out of your warm bed there is no use in getting back in it. I threw on my workout clothes, drank my water, and headed to my 6 AM stretch class. Stretch class was a heck of alot harder than it sounded. I was struggling and sweating and I felt like I was the only one who couldn't do everything that was being asked of me without some sort of modification. It was mortifying and I felt like everyone else was staring at me. Ugh! Why am I so hard and judgmental of my own capabilities or down falls.
After stretch was breakfast at 7 AM and then my first hike at 8 AM. I was so worried for the hike and it was hard. Especially because it was an assessment hike so we were just thrown into vans and taken on hikes at random. I brought up the tail end. My group went on a hike called Turtle Wall it was completely gorgeous, but it was very heart-wrenching. I was the last one, the slow one, the incapable one. There was one point that I wished I fell and broke my arm so I could go home because it was "that" hard and I felt like I could not do it. I felt so deflated and defeated. There were people older than me on the same hike and I could not even see them anymore. It was during this hike that I stared questioning me even being there. Why did I come? I can't do this. It was dumb of me to think I could do this.
Then I had an epiphany! I WAS doing this! I CAN do this! Even though I was totally slower than everyone else I was completing it. I was not giving up. I was talking to one of the guides and he assured me that I was doing a good job. The hick they put me on was a little advanced, but I was doing it. I would only stop and rest when I felt that I needed it and the guide pointed out a few cool rock formations and wildlife that I would have completely missed because I was looking at my feet and having a pity party. I even though about writing a blog post just for the hike and titling it "Pity Party, Table for One". How lame am I? I needed to get over myself. I was blessed to win this contest and here I was wishing it away. Perhaps this was really a blessing in disguise. Maybe I won this opportunity because I had something that I needed to learn from this amazing experience to become a better me.
It was when I started focusing on myself, my journey, and my accomplishments that I realized I had made it. In one hour of trudging along across the frozen red clay and rock formations, I had reached to overlook and its breathtaking beauty was amazing. I felt a sense of pride that I had not given up or broken my arm. Here I was, hiking, and I was doing it well. Once we reached the overlook it was time to turn around and I was suddenly filled with dread. You mean I have to walk all the way back to the van? That one more hour I would spend relentlessly hiking back to my destination. Again I was filled with all those emotions and feelings of worthlessness. I could never make it back there alive. I know what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but I really thought it would kill me and at this point I had more workout classes to attend after lunch. I could still break my arm couldn't I? Snap out of it Krystyn! You made it this far, you can make it back to the van, and I did! On the ride back to the ranch I was thinking about the hike and realized that I did do it! I accomplished something real a two hour hike and was still alive. I felt invigorated and ready to take on whatever the rest of the day had for me, and I could accomplish it. Must be all the endorphins in my system.
After the hike I attended an introductory lecture that was very informative followed by lunch. After lunch I attended a 45 minute Medicine Ball Core workout and the hike seemed like nothing compared to this class. My core was on fire. I tried to complete everything requested of me, but like stretch class this morning I had to do some modifications based on my current fitness level and my mood of not wanting to push myself to hard on the first day. I couldn't risk getting injured now even though I felt like I was going to die, figuratively. Luckily for me 45 minutes goes by much faster when you are thinking about other things, and I only had to make it through this class until recharge (snack time). During recharge I had an awesome protein shake that made me feel awesome. That stuff was like magic. Then it was off to 45 minutes of circuit training.
Circuit training. Just the name alone sounded completely menacing. However, once I started the class it was much easier then I had anticipated. Two minutes of cardio, followed by two minutes on a strength machine. Repeat, only on different cardio machines and strength machines each time. I actually enjoyed it and this made me focus and I felt like I was able to push myself harder. The trainer kept saying, "What can you do in two minutes to change your life?" This really stuck with me. What could I do to change my life and my body? Circuit training was my last workout class of the day, I had to push harder. I could push myself harder! I gave it all I could and in the end I felt like keeling over right there, but I didn't! Nothing could stop me now. At least until I woke up and did everything all over again.
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The Gorgeous Red Rocks |
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The trail guide that helped motivate me. |
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The Overlook |
After the hike I attended an introductory lecture that was very informative followed by lunch. After lunch I attended a 45 minute Medicine Ball Core workout and the hike seemed like nothing compared to this class. My core was on fire. I tried to complete everything requested of me, but like stretch class this morning I had to do some modifications based on my current fitness level and my mood of not wanting to push myself to hard on the first day. I couldn't risk getting injured now even though I felt like I was going to die, figuratively. Luckily for me 45 minutes goes by much faster when you are thinking about other things, and I only had to make it through this class until recharge (snack time). During recharge I had an awesome protein shake that made me feel awesome. That stuff was like magic. Then it was off to 45 minutes of circuit training.
Circuit training. Just the name alone sounded completely menacing. However, once I started the class it was much easier then I had anticipated. Two minutes of cardio, followed by two minutes on a strength machine. Repeat, only on different cardio machines and strength machines each time. I actually enjoyed it and this made me focus and I felt like I was able to push myself harder. The trainer kept saying, "What can you do in two minutes to change your life?" This really stuck with me. What could I do to change my life and my body? Circuit training was my last workout class of the day, I had to push harder. I could push myself harder! I gave it all I could and in the end I felt like keeling over right there, but I didn't! Nothing could stop me now. At least until I woke up and did everything all over again.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Biggest Loser Resort
I won a contest from KSL Studio 5 to stay at The Biggest Loser Resort for one week. I just arrived and weighed in at 292.5 so even though I haven't weighed in in almost a month my weight did not creep up on me. Thats a non scale victory for sure!! I will be posting more of my struggles and victories throughout the week!! Here is to a healthier me!!!
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